The newly appointed Ambassador of Spain presented copies of credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia

03 July, 2017

On July 3, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandian received the newly appointed Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain Ignacio Ibañez Rubio (residence in Moscow) on the occasion of presenting the copies of credentials.

Congratulating the Ambassador on his appointment, Minister Nalbandian expressed hope that the newly appointed ambassador will employ his rich professional experience to give a new impetus to the development of Armenian-Spanish friendly relations.

Expressing gratitude for the reception and good wishes, Ambassador Ignacio Ibañez Rubio assured that he will apply maximum efforts to deepen and strengthen bilateral cooperation.

During the meeting, the opportunities and prospects of further expansion of the Armenian-Spanish collaboration, both in bilateral and multilateral formats, were discussed. The importance of regular consultations between the Foreign Ministries and the expansion of the legal framework was highlighted.

Minister Nalbandian and Ambassador Rubio exchanged views with regards to intensifying the inter-parliamentary contacts, promoting trade and economic cooperation, organising business forums, expanding the collaboration in the areas of science, education and culture.

The interlocutors touched upon different spheres of the Armenia-EU cooperation. In this context, Ambassador Rubio underlined, that Spain supports launching of a visa liberalisation dialogue with Armenia.

At the meeting, the sides focused on the developments in the Middle East and the issues of protection of national and religious minorities in that region, as well as issues related to migration flows.

The Armenian Foreign Minister presented the joint efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries towards creating conducive conditions for advancing the process of peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

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