The Foreign Minister of Armenia received high level US foreign trade delegation

21 July, 2017

On July 21, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, received the high level US foreign trade delegation headed by Daniel Mullaney, Assistant United States Trade Representative.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian commended the high level of quarter century Armenian-US interstate relations and expressed confidence that through joint efforts they will receive a new impetus.

The Assistant Trade Representative thanked for the reception and stressed that United States attaches importance to the development of multifaceted cooperation with Armenia and deepening of trade and economic relations.

The interlocutors recalled with warmth the meeting held in Washington D.C. back in 2015 and the signing of Trade and Investment Framework Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the United States of America at presence of the President of the Republic of Armenia.

Edward Nalbandian and Daniel Mullaney discussed issues related to the activities of the Armenian-US Intergovernmental Committee and exchanged views on preparatory works of the second session of the Armenia-US Council on Trade and Investment.

The sides highlighted the importance of expanding trade and economic legal framework.

The interlocutors touched upon the further deepening of cooperation in IT sphere.

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