The meeting of Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia with the European Parliament officials

24 July, 2017

On July 24, Garen Nazarian, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, received staffers from different departments of the European Parliament.

In the course of the meeting, a reference was made to the recent developments in Armenia, including the EU relations, ongoing activities aimed at creating a legal framework in different spheres and participation of Armenia in the EU programs.

 Deputy Minister Nazarian emphasized that the majority of the commitments envisaged by the Joint Declaration of the Riga Summit have been implemented and highlighted the importance of the active cooperation with the EU institutions, including the European Parliament, and the EU member states for the full implementation of these commitments.

At the guests' request, Garen Nazaryan touched upon the efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries aimed at creating conducive conditions for the advancement of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. He stressed that Baku's destructive and provocative actions continue to hinder these efforts.

The Deputy Minister responded to numerous questions related to pressing regional issues.

The participants of the meeting agreed to hold regular meetings in this format related to the Armenia-European Parliament agenda items.



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