Ambassador Yeganian’s farewell meeting with Mayor of Ottawa

26 July, 2017

On July 26, Armen Yeganian, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Canada, finalizing his farewell meetings, met His Worship Jim Watson, the Mayor of the city of Ottawa.

During the meeting, Ambassador Yeganian thanked the Mayor of Ottawa for his active cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia over the course of the last few years. In particular, the Ambassador emphasized the importance of the support of His Worship in the unveiling of the statue of Yousuf Karsh, world-renown Canadian-Armenian portrait photographer, on June 9th in the downtown of the Canadian capital on Confederation Boulevard, which was organized on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Canada and 150th Anniversary of Canada’s Confederation.

Jim Watson, in his turn, expressed his gratitude to the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia for the hard work towards further development of the relations between Armenia and Canada.

During the meeting, the sides underlined the importance of active cooperation between Armenia and Canada in the frameworks of different international organisations and in particular within the International Organisation of La Francophonie. In that context, Ambassador Yeganian noted that Armenia takes with great responsibility the commitment to host the summit of La Francophonie in 2018 and that by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia an inter-agency committee on coordination of the preparatory works of the summit has been created.

Armen Yeganian and Jim Watson stressed the importance of the work, aimed at the further development of the decentralized cooperation.

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