Celebration of 20th Anniversary of Komitas Switzerland-Armenia humanitarian organization in Geneva

03 September, 2017

On September 3, 20th anniversary of KASA - Komitas Switzerland-Armenia humanitarian union was celebrated at the Armenian Center of Geneva. Mrs. Hasmik Tolmajyan, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Swiss Confederation, made opening remarks, expressing gratitude to Mrs. Monique Bondolfi-Masraff, President of KASA, and to Dario Bondolfi, for their long-term humanitarian activities in Armenia.

Mrs. Tolmajyan highlighted that KASA, in parallel with humanitarian actions, engaged itself also in the domains of construction - by building and renovating public and art schools, professional training – by introducing online education programs, as well as agriculture and tourism - by establishing itself as one of the main actors of sustainable developments in our country. H. Tolmajyan also appraised the efforts aimed at the integration of Syrian Armenian refugees, implemented in collaboration with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

It was noted that KASA has contributed highly both to the deepening of Swiss-Armenian intercultural links, and also to the strengthening of friendship between Armenian and Swiss people.

For their philanthropic and civic activities in Armenia and in Diaspora, Mrs. Hasmik Tolmajian presented Monique and Dario Bondolfi with the “Poghos Nubar” medal awarded by the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia. Mr. Jacques Hochstaetter, President of the “Armenianos” Fund and Mrs. Lucianne Stump, a philanthropist, were awarded with the recognition letters for their long-term support to the KASA projects implemented in Armenia.

The event was continued with the performance of Armenian and Swiss musicians, and was concluded with the film screening highlighting KASA’s 20 year-long journey. 

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