New Ambassador of Syria presented the copies of his credentials to the Foreign Minister

05 September, 2017

On September 5, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, received Mohammad Ahmad Haj Ibrahim, new Ambassador of Syria to Armenia, on the occasion of presenting the copies of his credentials.

Congratulating the Ambassador, Minister Nalbandian expressed hope that his activity will contribute to the further development of the Armenian-Syrian friendly relations.

Edward Nalbandian stressed that Armenia closely follows the ongoing developments in Syria and expressed concern regarding the humanitarian situation created in the result of the crisis. The Foreign Minister emphasized that Armenia has sheltered around 22000 refugees from Syria, and the Armenian authorities are always concerned over the problems of the Syrian Armenians who has shared the difficulties of the catastrophe together with the Syrian people. The Foreign Minister of Armenia outlined that by the decree of the President of Armenia a humanitarian aid was sent to Syria for several times.
Minister Nalbandian noted that Armenia welcomes the ongoing negotiations in Astana and geneva aimed at the establishment of peace in Syria and expressed hope that those negotiations will path a way for the settlement of the situation.

Thanking for the reception, Ambassador Ibrahim delivered the greetings and best wishes of the Walid al-Muallem, Foreign Minister of Syria and assured that he will spare no efforts to develop relations in different areas. The Ambassador of Syria expressed gratitude on behalf of his country for the continuous support of Armenia to the Syrian people.

Ambassador Ibrahim presented the efforts being undertaken by the country’s authorities towards the settlement of the Syrian crisis, as well as the ongoing fight against the terrorist organizations.

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