Political consultations between Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Indonesia

07 September, 2017

On September 7, Foreign Ministry of Armenia hosted political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Indonesia. On the Armenian side the consultations were chaired by Armen Papikyan, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, and on the Indonesian side by Muhammad Anshor, Director General for America and Europe of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia.

A wide range of issues related to Armenian-Indonesian relations in various spheres, including the political dialogue between the two countries, organisation of high-level mutual visits, intensification of trade, economic, cultural and educational ties and tourist flows, expansion of the legal framework and consular interaction, were discussed throughout the meeting.

The sides commended the dynamic development of relations between the two countries in recent years and the fruitful cooperation within the international organisations. Noting that bilateral trade turnover does not reflect the existing potential, the sides agreed to take further steps aimed at promoting Armenian-Indonesian trade and economic ties and business contacts and noted that organisation of business forums in Armenia and Indonesia could be a good basis for that.

Deputy Foreign Minister Armen Papikyan presented the approaches of Armenian side in the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Armenian and Indonesian diplomats exchanged views on international and regional issues of mutual interest.

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