Foreign Minister of Armenia met with the Foreign Minister of Iraq

21 September, 2017

On September 20, on the margins of the UN General Assembly Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, met with Ibrahim al-Jaafari, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iraq.

The Foreign Ministers touched upon a number of agenda issues on the Armenian-Iraqi relations, exchanged views on the expansion of the legal framework and the enhancement of cooperation on the international platforms.

The interlocutors also discussed the ways of intensifying bilateral trade and economic ties. Within this context they highlighted the importance of the activities of the Armenian-Iraqi Intergovernmental Commission, the next regular session of which will be held on September 25-26 in Yerevan.

The Foreign Minister of Iraq touched upon the current situation in Iraq and presented the achievements of the government and the international community in their fight against terrorist and extremist groups.

Ibrahim al-Jaafari briefed Edward Nalbandian on the approaches of the Iraqi central government regarding the scheduled referendum in Kurdistan.


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