Ambassador Apitonian's meeting with Governor of Örebro

25 September, 2017

On September 25, Artak Apitonian, Ambassador of Armenia to Sweden, paid a working visit to Örebro province, one of the economic and educational centers of Sweden. The Ambassador had a meeting with Ms. Maria Larsson, Governor of Örebro as well as Ms. Agneta Blom, Chair of the Municipal Assembly and Mr. Kenneth Nilsson, City Chief Executive.

The Ambassador expressed his gratitude to the representatives of regional and municipal authorities for the earlier establishment of the Armenian Genocide memorial in 2015 which was the first monument of a kind in Sweden built through the initiative of local institutions. Furthermore, Ambassador Apitonian thanked for the continuous support to the Armenian community of Örebro region.

As a follow up of earlier agreements, the participants discussed the issue of implementing mutually beneficial projects particularly in the fields of agriculture, ecology, ecotourism and women empowerment as well as establishing decentralized cooperation between Örebro province and municipality on one side and the Armenian regional and municipal authorities on the other.

By the request of the interlocutors, the Ambassador has provided information about the investment environment of Armenia and the steps carried out by the Government in order to improve it. He has also referred to the latest regional developments as well as Armenia-EU relations. 

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