Foreign Minister of Armenia participated in the session of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers

10 October, 2017

On October 10, in Sochi, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, participated in the session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers started in a narrow format, then was continued in an extended format, with participation of delegations.

The agenda of the meeting included about 20 documents, which have been approved by the Ministers, and are aimed at raising the effectiveness of the organisation, strengthening the cooperation among the CIS member states in law enforcement, humanitarian, cultural and educational spheres.

Foreign Ministers approved the draft declaration of the heads of the CIS states on "Family Support and Traditional Family Values".

The participants of the session approved the draft decision on declaring 2019 in CIS as the Year of the Book. They touched upon the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Foreign Ministers of the CIS member states exchanged views on urgent issues of international agenda. It was decided to convene the next meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CIS in April 2018 in Minsk.

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