Deputy Foreign Minister Robert Harutyunyan had a meeting with delegation headed by the Chairman of the Armenia-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce

11 October, 2017

On October 11, Deputy Foreign Minister Robert Harutyunyan received a Swiss delegation, which is in Armenia on a study visit, headed by Mike Baronian, Chairman of the Armenia-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce, Board member of the Armenian Relief Fund, and comprised of members of the Fund and journalists.

At the beginning of the meeting Deputy Minister emphasized the importance of further development of trade and economic cooperation between Armenia and Switzerland, particularly in the context of Armenia's accession to the EAEU.

The interlocutors attached importance to the activities of the newly-opened Armenia-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, hoping that it will contribute to the expansion of bilateral economic cooperation.

Deputy Foreign Minister briefed the delegation on the favorable business environment created in Armenia, the open door policy aimed at attracting investments to Armenia, touched upon the benefits of Armenia's accession to the EAEU, leading branches of economy and prospects of their development. In this context, Deputy Minister highlighted the progress made in IT sector in Armenia.

Responding to the questions of the guests, Robert Harutyunyan touched upon the development of tourism in Armenia, educational reforms, transport infrastructures and logistic opportunities.


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