Meeting between Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Poland

20 October, 2017

On October 20, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia met with Witold Waszczykowski, Foreign Minister of Poland, who arrived in Yerevan.

The meeting started with a tête-à-tête conversation then was continued in an expanded format, with the participation of delegations.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian noted that this year marks two events of great importance for the Armenian-Polish relations: the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 650th anniversary of formation of the Armenian community in Poland.

In this context, the interlocutors highlighted the important role of the Armenian community in Armenian-Polish relations, noting that it serves as a solid bridge between the two friendly states.

Minister Nalbandian also highlighted the meetings held within the framework of the visit of Ara Babloyan, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia, who is in Poland on an official visit these days, as well as the resolution adopted by the Polish Senate on the 650th anniversary of formation of the Armenian community, as an appreciation of their contribution to the history and culture of Poland.

Foreign Ministers noted with satisfaction that since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries, through high-level mutual visits, effective political dialogue and a broad legal framework, have succeeded in building a solid foundation for development of comprehensive and substantial Armenian-Polish relations both on bilateral and multilateral levels.

Touching upon the bilateral trade and economic relations Minister Nalbandian attached an importance to the works of the intergovernmental commission, the next meeting of which is scheduled for December this year.

The issues related to interparliamentary cooperation, as well as cooperation in decentralized, scientific, educational and cultural spheres were also discussed at the meeting.

Edward Nalbandian and Witold Waszczykowski exchanged views on a preparatory works for the Eastern partnership Summit, to be held next month in Brussels.

Foreign Ministers touched upon a number of international and regional issues, exchanged views on cooperation in international structures.

Edward Nalbandian briefed his counterpart on on the joint efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries aimed at moving forward the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Ministers agreed that there is no alternative to the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

After the meeting, Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Poland made statements for the press.

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