Edward Nalbandian participated in the opening ceremony of the Auditorium named after Boutros Ghali at Yerevan State University

20 October, 2017

On October 20, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian visited the Yerevan State University where he attended opening ceremony of the Auditorium in the Faculty of International Relations, named after former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros Ghali.

Aram Simonyan, the rector of YSU and Bradley Busetto, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for Armenia, were present at the opening of the inauguration of the Boutros Ghali auditorium.
Welcoming the opening of the Boutros Boutros Ghali auditorium at the Alma mater, Minister Nalbandian particularly said:

“On September 1, on the occasion of Knowledge Day, I was here in Yerevan State University. I am glad to be back in the Alma mater on this important occasion of inauguration of Boutros Boutros Ghali auditorium at the Faculty of International Relations.

It is remarkable that in the year that marks the 25th anniversary of Armenia's accession to the United Nations, we again pay tribute to the memory of Boutros Ghali, one of the most influential figures of the international arena of the 20th century, a prominent statesman and a brilliant diplomat.

He took over the leadership of the United Nations at a fateful time, skillfully guided the International Organisation of la Francophonie, with full dedication he put his vast knowledge and experience into service for peace, security and prosperity of the world. I have had the honour to personally know this outstanding man, I used to have a very warm and friendly relationship with him, and meetings with him left the most vivid memories.

Armenia's accession to the UN is also linked with the name of Boutros Boutros Ghali, who was then the head of this global organisation. It is symbolic that two years later, during his visit to Yerevan, Boutros Ghali was hosted also at the Yerevan State University.

In the period of crucial geopolitical changes, when international institutions were trying to respond to new developments and create mechanisms for preventing and resolving conflicts, Boutros Ghali put forward the concept of ​​the "Agenda for Peace", which was more than relevant in light of numerous conflicts in different countries around the world.

In the world history he will remain as a figure who was ready to confront the problems, never avoiding difficulties, striving to find solutions for numerous challenges. As the Secretary-General of the United Nations, within the limits of his mandate, he did his best for the security, peace and prosperity of mankind.

I hope that students in this class will obtain the necessary knowledge and, guided by the spirit of ideas of Boutros Ghali, will serve both their Homeland and for the promotion of universal values, trying to bring their contribution to the peace in the world and sustainable development.”


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