25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Tajikistan

21 October, 2017

On October 21, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia and Sirodjidin Aslov, Foreign Minister of Tajikistan exchanged congratulatory messages on the occasion of 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Tajikistan.

In his message, Foreign Minister Nalbandian notes that in the past period, the two countries have established a comprehensive and forward-looking relationships based on strong traditions of friendship, respect and mutual sympathy between the peoples of Armenia and Tajikistan. Edward Nalbandian notes with satisfaction that the agreements reached between the two countries during the official visit of Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan to Armenia in June 2017 attest to the bilateral interest in bringing the relations between Armenia and Tajikistan to a higher level.

Foreign Minister of Armenia expresses conviction that the joint efforts of Foreign Ministries of the two countries will further boost the expansion of political dialogue and cooperation on the international platforms, as well as the deepening of economic and humanitarian ties.

In his congratulatory message on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Tajikistan, Sirodjidin Aslov notes that during this period the relations between Armenia and Tajikistan based on mutual trust, respect and support have reached a higher level of cooperation, highlighting the extensive joint efforts aimed at strengthening bilateral relations and enriching them with new content.

Foreign Minister Aslov expresses conviction that the traditionally close ties and rich dialogue between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries will further contribute to the implementation of the goals aimed at the comprehensive development of various ties between Armenia and Tajikistan for the benefit of two friendly peoples.

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