Reception to Celebrate Armenia’s 26th Independence Day and the 25th Anniversary of US-Armenia Diplomatic Relations

26 October, 2017

On October 24 the Rayburn House Office Building hosted a reception to mark Armenia’s 26th Independence Day and the 25th anniversary of US-Armenia diplomatic relations, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the United States and the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, in partnership with the Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Committee of America.

Among the hundreds of participants were 40 members of Congress, House staff members, ambassadors, representatives of both East and West Coast Armenian organizations, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Bridget Brink, the recently-appointed US Co-Chair of the Minsk Group Andrew Schofer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Europe Dale Tasharski, as well as Adjutant General of the Kansas National Guard Lee E. Tafanelli.

Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the United States Grigor Hovhannissian touched upon the key aspects of US-Armenia relations and expressed gratitude to the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues for their substantial contribution to enhancing the US-Armenian bilateral cooperation. The reception included special appearances and remarks by DAS Bridget Brink and Congressman Ed Royce, as well as Representatives Tulsi Gabbard, Jackie Speier, Frank Pallone Jr. and Brad Sherman.

During the event the young musicians of the “New Names of Armenia” festival performed some incredible pieces of Armenian folk and classical music.

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