Foreign Minister received members of Parliament of Mexico

27 October, 2017

On October 26, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, received the delegation of the Mexico-Armenia friendship group of the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico, comprised of the head of the group Blanca Margarita Cuata Domínguez, as well as members of Parliament Maria Cristina Teresa García Bravo and Carlos Hernández Mirón.

While greeting the guests, Minister Nalbandian emphasized that such visits convey a new quality and content to bilateral relations.

Thanking for the reception, members of the parliament of Mexico shared with Minister Nalbandian the impressions from their visit to Artsakh.

Minister Nalbandian welcomed the visit of the Mexican MPs to Artsakh, highlighting the opportunity it provided to learn about the situation on the spot and have an objective picture.

The interlocutors expressed confidence that the visit of the MPs will give an impetus to Armenian-Mexican inter-parliamentary cooperation, which in its turn will contribute to the strengthening of inter-state relations. In this context, the importance of activities of friendship groups functioning in the parliaments of the two countries was highlighted.

Touching upon the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Edward Nalbandian noted that Armenia is interested in strengthening friendly relations with Mexico, as well as effective cooperation in both bilateral and multilateral formats. In this regard, the interlocutors underlined that the two countries have a great potential for intensifying ties in economic sphere and identifying new areas of cooperation.

Edward Nalbandian briefed the Mexican parliamentarians on the joint efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries aimed at exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict. 

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