Edward Nalbandian's meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu

07 November, 2017

On November 7, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, who is in Israel on an official visit, met with Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel.

The meeting launched in an enlarged format, with the participation of delegations, followed by a tete-a-tete conversation.

Welcoming the guest, the Prime Minister of Israel highlighted the importance of the visit of the Foreign Minister of Armenia to Israel and noted that Israel is ready to expand the relations with Armenia, by outlining that the cooperation between the two countries has a great potential.

Thanking for the invitation and reception, Minister Nalbandian conveyed to Benjamin Netanyahu the greetings and best wishes of Serzh Sargsyan, President of Armenia. The Foreign Minister of Armenia noted with satisfaction that recently Armenian-Israeli relations have intensified and expressed confidence, that through joint efforts the relations between Armenia and Israel will receive a new impetus based on the rich historical traditions of the two peoples.

The interlocutors noted that it is symbolic that the visit takes place in the year which marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and expressed conviction that it serves as a good opportunity to asses the undertaken path and take new steps towards the development of relations.

During the meeting a detailed discussion was held on issues of the Armenian-Israeli bilateral agenda, cooperation within international structures. The sides exchanged views on the intensification of bilateral trade and economic ties, promotion of business contacts, expansion of the legal framework and strengthening of cooperation in international structures, possibilities of joint projects in the spheres of information technologies, science and education, tourism and agriculture.

The Prime Minister of Israel and the Foreign Minister of Armenia touched upon the rich historical and cultural Armenian heritage of Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister Nalbandian exchanged views on pressing regional and international issues, developments in the Middle East .

Edward Nalbandian presented the efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries aimed at the exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

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