Foreign minister of Armenia received Commissioner for security and fight against terrorism of China

20 November, 2017

On November 20, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received a representative delegation from People's Republic of China led by the Commissioner for security and fight against terrorism Cheng Gopin.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian noted, that in the year that marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China we can register with satisfaction the high level of the relations between the two friendly states. He stressed, that frequent mutual high-level visits bring an important contribution to the deepening and expanding of cooperation in various fields.

Expressing his gratitude for the reception, Commissioner Gopin underlined, that China attaches importance to the development of multifaceted cooperation with friendly Armenia and intends to take additional steps in that direction.

The interlocutors touched upon the process of implementation of the agreements reached between the heads of the two states, the Armenian-Chinese cooperation in a number of spheres and joint efforts aimed at their expansion.

The joint efforts of the international community in the fight against terrorism were highlighted at the meeting. In this context Minister Nalbandian expressed confidence that Cheng Gopin’s visit will give a new impetus to Armenian-Chinese cooperation in the areas of security and fight against terrorism. 

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