The delegation of Armenia took part in the sessions of the CSTO statutory bodies

30 November, 2017

On November 30, in Minsk, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia and Vigen Sargsyan, Defense Minister of Armenia participated in the joint session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Council of Defense Ministers and Committee of Security Council Secretaries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). The National Security Council (NSC) was represented by Aram Tananyan, Acting Chief of Staff of the NSC.

Ministers touched upon the course of implementation of decisions of the session of the Collective Security Council held in Yerevan, in 2016.

Drafts of more than twenty documents, included in the agenda of the session of the Collective Security Council, scheduled to be held in the second half of the day, were approved.

Issues related to coordination of foreign policy of CSTO member states, development of military and military-technical cooperation, information security, cooperation in the fight against terrorism were discussed at the meeting. The latest developments in Syria and Middle East were touched upon.

CSTO Secretary General Yuri Khachaturov reported to the participants of the session on the current activities of the organization and the results achieved within the framework of cooperation.

At the joint session, issues related to a further improvement of the Collective Security Treaty Organization were touched upon.

Speaking at the joint session on behalf of the Armenian delegation, Edward Nalbandian touched upon the quarter-century long cooperation within the framework of the CSTO, underlining that the “CSTO Collective Security Strategy up to 2025”, adopted at the Yerevan Summit last year, clearly outlines the future tasks of the CSTO.

Minister Nalbandian presented to the colleagues the draft statement of the Collective Security Council on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, presented at the initiative of Armenia for the adoption of the CSTO summit to be held on the same day.

Upon the results of the meeting, a number of documents related to the development of cooperation within the CSTO were signed.

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