Edward Nalbandian assumed the Presidency of the Organisation of Black Sea Economic Cooperation

15 December, 2017


On December 15, in Kiev Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian participated in the 37th session of the Ministerial Council of the Organisation of Black Sea Economic Cooperation, which was attended by high-level delegations form 12 member states and 13 observer countries and partner organisations.

At the BSEC Ministerial Council in Kiev Armenia assumed the Presidency of Organisation.

In the remarks delivered at the Ministerial Council Edward Nalbandian touched upon the BSEC agenda, cooperation within the Organisation and its perspectives, reforms of the BSEC and the steps required for the strengthening the effectiveness of the Organisation.

Minister Nalbandian noted, that Armenia, being committed to the strategic objectives of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, reaffirms its support to the economic-oriented agenda of the Organisation aimed at the enhancement of the regional cooperation, which derives from the statutory objectives of the BSEC.

Touching upon Armenia’s Chairmanship in BSEC, Minister Nalbandian noted, that within the next six months Armenia in its capacity of the Chairman-in-Office will focus on enhancement of the economic cooperation in the BSEC region, mainstreaming the project-targeted agenda through the existing structures.

Speaking of the BSEC reform process, Edward Nalbandian expressed his conviction, that at this stage BSEC needs practical and realistic measures, noting that the Organisation is able to increase its effectiveness through the implementation of decisions and resolutions approved by the Ministerial Council.

Foreign Minister also emphasized that the persistent attempts by some Member States to politicize the activities of the BSEC not only affect the multilateral economic cooperation in the region but also the very foundations of the Organisation, its basic objectives and question the credibility of the BSEC as an effective regional economic Organization.

Minister of Foreign Affairs also added that some unreasonable attempts within the BSEC Parliamentary Assembly to engage in activities separate from the Organisation under the cover of reforms are in contradiction to the Organization’s charter, PABSEC objectives and rules of procedure and negatively affect the integrity of the organization.
In response to the remarks of the head of Azerbaijani delegation, Minister Nalbandian noted that Azerbaijan's attempts to use the BSEC platform for advancing its narrow political interests hinder the BSEC economic cooperation, and one should hardly anticipate any achievement within the BSEC framework if this platform continues to be exploited for propaganda purposes.

In conclusion Foreign Minister Nalbandian emphasized: “Armenia during its upcoming Chairmanship will rely on the joint efforts aimed at promoting the comprehensive regional cooperation and economic interconnectivity”.


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