Ambassador Minasyan handed over the copies of his credentials to State Secretary of the Romanian Foreign Ministry

09 January, 2018

On January 9, Sergey Minasyan, the newly-appointed Ambassador of the Republic Armenia to Romania, handed the copies of his credentials to Dan Neculaescu, State Secretary of the Romanian Foreign Ministry.

While congratulating the Ambassador, State Secretary Neculaescu expressed hope that Ambassador Minasyan will invest efforts to boost the political dialogue between the two countries, deepen the bilateral economic ties and make valuable contribution to the development of Armenian-Romanian friendly relations.

During the meeting the sides touched upon the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) signed between Armenia and the EU, mutually expressing hope that it will open a new page both in Armenia-EU and in Armenia-Romania relations.

The interlocutors referred to the Summit of La Francophonie, to be held in Yerevan in October 2018, expressing confidence that it will further promote and develop the multilateral and bilateral cooperation of member states of the International Organization of La Francophonie, taking into account the important role of Romania as the regional center of La Francophonie.

The sides also touched upon the perspectives of cooperation in various formats, stressed the importance of the negotiated settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the framework of OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

During the meeting, the Armenian Ambassador emphasized the importance of Romania's policy towards protection of the rights of ethnic and religious minorities, due to which, in particular, the Romanian-Armenian community has preserved its identity, close ties with Armenia, and made a significant contribution to the social, political and cultural life of Romania.

Expressing gratitude for the warm welcome and best wishes, Ambassador Minasyan underlined that during his mission he will do his utmost to give a new impetus to the bilateral cooperation between the two countries in different spheres and to strengthen the centuries-long friendship of the two peoples.

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