An event dedicated to Armenia in the Cosmopolitan Rotary Club of Cairo

29 January, 2018

On January 29, The «Cosmopolitan» international rotary Club of Cairo dedicated a special event to Armenia, in which Egyptian and foreign members of the club, Egypt’s public figures and businessmen, representatives of the Armenian community and spiritual leaders were present.

Armen Melkonian, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Egypt, in his comprehensive speech about Armenia spoke of the historic path passed by the Armenian nation, foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Armenia, economic development and the investment opportunities, Armenian culture, attraction of the country for the tourists, as well as the role of the Armenian Diaspora.

Ambassador Melkonian also touched upon the joint efforts of Armenia and the international community aimed at a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and the process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Ambassador answered a number of questions of the attendees.

In the course of the event a movie about Armenia was screened and an Armenian music concert took place.

Reference. Cosmopolitan is one of the renowned Rotary clubs operating in Egypt, which combines both Egyptian and foreign figures from various fields.



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