The Foreign Minister of Armenia received the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs

08 February, 2018

On February 8, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs Igor Popov (Russia), Stephane Visconti (France), Andrew Schofer (USA) and Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk, who have arrived in Yerevan on a regional visit.

The Co-Chairs briefed Minister Nalbandian on their meetings in Baku.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia and the Co-Chairs discussed issues related to the agreement in principle on the expansion of the capacities of the office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, reached in January at the Krakow meeting of Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Edward Nalbandian drew the attention of the Co-Chairs to the fact that, unlike the Co-Chairs and Armenia, Baku has not made any statement so far with regards to that agreement and when it is going to implement it. “Baku has a strange memory: being entangled in the web of its own fabricated falsifications, it forgets the agreements reached one month before and prior to that, with regards to which the Co-Chairs have made numerous statements, while at the same time it recalls with twisted interpretations the twenty-five years old documents, to which the Co-Chairs have not even referred to, for obvious reasons’’ - noted the Foreign Minister of Armenia.

Informing the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs about the killing of the Armenian soldier as a result of blatant violation of the ceasefire by the Azerbaijani side on the Line of Contact, Edward Nalbandian underlined that even the presence of the Co-Chairs in the region does not restrain Baku from provocative actions: thus Azerbaijan demonstrates its disrespect towards the Co-Chair countries.

Referring to Baku's comments that Azerbaijan is allegedly interested in the rapid settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Foreign Minister of Armenia noted that words should be supported by the deeds, the agreements reached at Vienna, St. Petersburg and Geneva summits should be implemented and the Co-Chairs' proposals on the conflict settlement should be accepted as the basis for negotiations and the process should move forward on this foundation.

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