Meeting of Ambassador Sadoyan with Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Dimitry Kumsishvili

16 February, 2018

On February 16, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia то Georgia Ruben Sadoyan met with Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Dimitry Kumsishvili.

During the meeting, the sides noted with satisfaction the growth in the sphere of economic relations recorded over the past year, also discussed a number of economic issues of mutual interest.

Dimitry Kumsishvili pointed to the importance of Georgia's entry to the Iranian market through Armenia.

Ambassador Ruben Sadoyan, in turn, noted the importance of close Armenian-Georgian cooperation in the tourism sector and stressed that the issue of giving priority to the Armenian tourist destination for Georgian tourists is constantly at the center of his attention.

During the discussion of the tourism theme, Minister Dmitry Kumsishvili introduced the active policy pursued by the Georgian authorities in this direction.

The parties agreed to held regular bilateral contacts and exchange of experience in sectoral areas.

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