Meeting between Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Madagascar

23 February, 2018

On February 23, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian met with Henry Rabary-Njaka, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Madagascar, who is in Armenia on an official visit.

The meeting started with a tête-à-tête conversation and then continued in an expanded format with participation of delegations.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian underlined, that the visit of the Foreign Minister of Madagascar takes place in the jubilee year of the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and added that Madagascar, being the country chairing the International Organization of La Francophonie, at the Yerevan summit this year will transfer the OIF presidency to Armenia.

Expressing gratitude for the invitation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Madagascar noted that he was very impressed with the warm and friendly reception and underlined that Madagascar is interested in promoting and deepening cooperation with Armenia in bilateral and multilateral formats. Henri Rabary-Njaka said that the two countries, being members of the International Organization of La Francophonie, share common values, which are based on humanity, fraternity, protection of human rights and mutual respect between peoples.

Stressing the mutual readiness to deepen the relations between Armenia and Madagascar, Ministers expressed their conviction that this visit will become a new beginning for the establishment and development of bilateral cooperation in different spheres for the benefit of the two peoples.

Ministers noted with satisfaction that in recent years, and particularly after Armenia became member of the International Organization of La Francophonie, the contacts and cooperation between Armenia and Madagascar have considerably intensified. The sides agreed, that in recent years they have accumulated a positive experience of cooperation, which can be a good basis for a further development and deepening of partnership in different spheres.

Edward Nalbandian and Henri Rabary-Njaka discussed issues related to the state visit of the President of Madagascar to Armenia scheduled in May this year, expressing their conviction that it can boost the strengthening and development of bilateral ties in various areas.

The interlocutors exchanged views on possible ways to strengthen relations between Armenia and Madagascar. Both sides highlighted the importance of intensification of bilateral political dialogue, necessity of deepening of trade and economic cooperation, as well as discussed issues related to the elaboration of legal framework, cooperation in international structures.

The sides touched upon the mutual support provided to each other in the framework of the International Organization of La Francophonie with regards the issue of hosting the summit. In this context Minister Nalbandian expressed hope that this positive experience will continue not only within the framework of La Francophonie, but also within other international platforms and organisations.

Foreign Minister of Armenia recalled with warmth that Madagascar assumed the Presidency of the Francophonie Ministerial Conference in Yerevan back in 2015 and three years later, in the same place Madagascar will transfer the OIF Chairmanship to Armenia. He also noted that it was in Antananarivo, when the decision was made to hold the next Summit of La Francophonie in Yerevan, its sister city, because 37 years ago, back in 1981, Yerevan and Antananarivo have become sister cities.

Foreign Minister of Armenia briefed his Malagasy counterpart on the preparations for the Summit of the International Organisation of La Francophonie to be held in Yerevan this year, as well as the process of elaboration of the documents to be approved at the summit.

Both sides highlighted the importance of participation of businessmen from Madagascar to the business forum envisaged within the Summit framework, and their involvement in the future network of Francophone businessmen.

A number of regional and international issues were also on the agenda of the meeting.

After the meeting the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Madagascar had a joint press-conference.


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