Meeting between the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the UN and the UNDP Administrator

26 February, 2018

Permanent Representative of Armenia to the UN, Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan met with Achim Steiner, Administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) օn February 26. Noting with appreciation that Armenia and UNDP have been enjoying a long-standing cooperation, the Armenian Ambassador reconfirmed Armenia’s commitment to continue to enhance its partnership with the Programme, in support of the implementation of the sustainable development goals in Armenia.

Administrator Steiner expressed appreciation for sustaining an active and productive dialogue with the UNDP, recalling the discussion held with the Prime Minister of Armenia in January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Ambassador Mnatsakanyan and Administrator Steiner exchanged views on the Armenia-UNDP cooperation agenda, including partnerships for innovation and social entrepreneurship for impact acceleration, currently implemented by Armenia and UNDP, as well as the possibilities for joining efforts towards new projects. The UNDP Administrator noted that the solutions designed in Armenia and for Armenia are currently viewed by the UNDP as examples of innovative national platforms offered in support of the implementation of the sustainable development agenda, in terms of applicability and replicability. The launching of the world’s first national SDG innovation lab in Armenia was highlighted as an example of an effective cooperation model between the UN and a member state.

It was reaffirmed at the meeting that the UNDP continues to be an important partner in the process of nationalization and integration of the sustainable development goals in Armenia.

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