Event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Sumgait Pogroms held in Cairo

04 March, 2018

On March 4, an event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Sumgait pogroms was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia. Egyptian intellectuals, public figures, journalists, as well as representatives of the Armenian community attended the event. Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Egypt Armen Melkonyan delivered a speech.

While speaking about the atrocities committed against the Armenian population in Sumgait 30 years ago, Ambassador Armen Melkonian emphasized that the pogroms were perpetrated by the authorities of then Soviet Azerbaijan. The Ambassador also noted that until today this crime has not been adequately condemned by the international community and the perpetrators have remained unpunished. Since then Baku has adopted the policy of ethnic cleansings of Armenians, disseminating xenophobia and intolerance against them.

The Ambassador’s speech was followed by the screening of the documentary film ‘Ordinary Genocide’ on Sumgait pogroms.

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