Armenian Foreign Minister receives US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs

05 March, 2018

On March 5, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian received Brian McFeeters, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs.

Welcoming the guest, Foreign Minister Nalbandian highly assessed the Armenian-American partnership and highlighted the importance of high-level contacts which provide a good opportunity to discuss bilateral and multilateral agenda issues. In this context, Foreign Minister noted that Bridget Brink, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State was in Yerevan last month, with whom the possible ways of intensifying further trade and economic ties were discussed as well.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Brian McFeeters noted: "Economic and commercial ties help to create unions and partnerships, and I am pleased with our joint efforts aimed at expanding trade volumes and boost US investments in Armenia. We would like Armenia to actively use the opportunities provided under the Generalized System of Preferences."

During the meeting the interlocutors discussed issues related to further promotion of trade and economic relations, enhancement of the relevant legal framework, highlighted the activities of the Armenian-American Trade and Investment Council and the Armenian-American intergovernmental commission.

The parties acknowledged with satisfaction that the volume of bilateral trade turnover has increased in recent years, underlining at the same time that, through joint steps, it will be possible to exploit more effectively the great potential of Armenian-American relations.  

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