Deputy Foreign Minister Garen Nazarian participated in the Eastern Partnership Senior Officials meeting

12 March, 2018

On March 12, the regular Eastern Partnership Senior Officials meeting was held in Brussels, with the participation of official delegations of the European Commission, the European External Action Service, member states and partner countries. This was the first meeting at such level held after the decisions of the Brussels summit on the structural revision of the Eastern Partnership.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Garen Nazarian, who participated in the meeting on part of Armenia, touched in his remarks upon the particular importance of the format of senior officials meeting in the EaP revised structure as the body coordinating thematic platforms and working groups. He informed that for the purpose of coordinating the Armenia-EU relations, the necessary institutional mechanisms are put in place in the country, which are aimed at ensuring the implementation of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement and other signed bilateral documents. In this regard, Deputy Minister highlighted the role of the civil society and the youth, touched upon the role of the parliament, noting that Armenia is completing the process of transition to a parliamentary system of governance.

Speaking about the expected results and implementation of joint commitments, Garen Nazarian also emphasized the need for their proper presentation to the public. In this context, Deputy Foreign Minister touched upon the importance of launching visa liberalization dialogue, valuing, in particular, the support and cooperation of EU member states in this regard.

On the same day in the morning, a discussion on the launch of the Eastern Partnership revised architecture was held, where the EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn delivered opening remarks, while the Deputy Foreign Ministers of the EaP countries were the key speakers. Federica Mogherini, the EU High Representative addressed a special video message.

In his remarks Garen Nazarian presented Armenia's approaches to the principles of differentiation, inclusion and co-responsibility, on which the new EaP architecture is based. Responding to the Azerbaijani side's claim that the issues of human rights and freedoms in their country are related to the war, Deputy Minister Nazarian considered the failure to implement one’s international commitments unacceptable and urged the Azerbaijani authorities to prepare the population of the country for peace and to refrain from the use of force and abuse of power, which contradicts the principles of democracy and stability.

The discussion was also attended by the Brussels think-tanks, representatives of media, civil society and youth organisations of the EU and partner countries.

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