“Rural Women and Girls: Initiating Economic and Social Development Opportunities” side event in the UN

12 March, 2018

On 12 March at the United Nations Headquarters in the margins of the opening of the 62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the UN in collaboration with the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) organised a side event entitled “Rural Women and Girls: Initiating Economic and Social Development Opportunities”.

Mr.Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Armenia to the UN delivered opening remarks. The panel featured Dr. Nyree Derderian, Vice-Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of the Armenian Relief Society, Mr. Toby Wicks, Data Strategist from the UNICEF Division of Data, Research and Policy and Ms. Araz Chiloyan, representative of the Homeland Development Initiative Foundation.

In his remarks Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan referred to a number of executive and legislative reforms and national action plans initiated by the Government of Armenia towards the promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women and acknowledged the active engagement and co-operation of the civil society organisations to that end. He commended the efforts and dedication of the Armenian Relief Society, the Homeland Development Initiative Foundation and encouraged them to continue their projects and valuable role in the important mission of empowering rural women in Armenia.

Representatives of UN member states, civil society organizations, UN agencies as well as representatives of the Armenian-American community attended the side event.

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