Meeting of Armenian Foreign Minister and the Speaker of Parliament of Sweden (Riksdag)

13 March, 2018

On March 13, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, who is in Sweden on an official visit, met with Urban Ahlin, Speaker of the Swedish parliament and members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of Riksdag.

Thanking for the reception, Edward Nalbandian noted that Armenia attaches importance to parliamentary diplomacy, considering it an effective format of cooperation between states, and in this respect the active cooperation of the legislative bodies of the two countries is commendable.

Foreign Minister and the Speaker of Swedish Riksdag highly assessed the activities of friendship groups functioning in the parliaments of Armenia and Sweden, as well as the partnership contacts and regular mutual visits between foreign affairs committees of the legislative bodies.

The sides highlighted the importance of expanding the bilateral legal framework.

Foreign Minister Nalbandian presented to his interlocutors the course of transition to the parliamentary system of governance in Armenia.

The interlocutors exchanged in details views on the deepening of the Armenian-Swedish cooperation within the frameworks of parliamentary assemblies of international structures.

Issues of Armenia-European Union relations were touched upon at the meeting. In that context, both sides valued the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement and Armenia-EU cooperation in different directions.

Throughout the conversation the sides exchanged views on a number of urgent international and regional issues.

Minister Nalbandian briefed Urban Ahlini on the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries aimed at the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


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