Foreign Minister of Armenia participated in the Ministerial Meeting in support of Lebanon

16 March, 2018

On March 15, in Rome, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian participated in a Ministerial meeting in support of Lebanon, which was attended by António Guterres, UN Secretary General; Paolo Gentiloni, Prime Minister of Italy; Saad Hariri, Prime Minister of Lebanon; Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, and high-ranking delegations from four dozen countries.

In his statement, Minister Nalbandian touched upon the multicultural, multiethnic and multi-religious structure of Lebanon, which is the reflection of almost the whole region within the boundaries of one state, underlining that it is a challenge, since everything happening in the region can resonate in this country, at the same time it is an asset in terms of benefits born of the diversity.

“For these very reasons Lebanon may have an impact on the regional situation either exacerbating its wounds, or at the current turbulent times act as an island of peace, representing an example of coexistence for others. All these add to the significance of this state for the regional security and stability and in helping this country to effectively address the challenges. We anticipate that this conference will make a tangible contribution in this regard and will be followed by not less meaningful steps”, noted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia in his speech.

Speaking about the importance of Lebanon for Armenia, Foreign Minister of Armenia emphasized that for centuries the Armenian nation has constituted part of the Lebanese and in general the Middle East mosaic, being active in all spheres of the social life in Lebanon, including the politics, being represented both in the Government and in the Parliament.

Minister Nalbandian noted that Armenians shared the whole difficulties that befell the people of Lebanon, and assured that the Republic of Armenia stands by the people of Lebanon and looks forward to continue its contribution to the safe and secure future of the state. In this context he underscored that Armenia has once again reiterated its support in February during the official visit of the President of Lebanon to Armenia, as well as during the Armenian Prime Minister's official visit to Lebanon three days ago.

At the Ministerial Meeting in support of Lebanon Edward Nalbandian, touching upon the service of the Armenian platoon of peacekeepers in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, stressed that UNIFIL is not the only peacebuilding operation that Armenia has joined.

“The United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations stated in this regard that “Armenia’s support is important not only for its contribution but also for the Armenian history and the challenges overcome during it”. Indeed, history teaches us that security is a common endeavor”, noted Minister Nalbandian.

Foreign Minister reaffirmed the readiness of Armenia to a more effective cooperation between Armenia and Lebanon in defence and security fields based on the precise proposals that are already on the table, as well as the new ideas.

It was specifically underlined that the role of Lebanon in the region is not limited to its strategic importance, highlighting the unique value of its ethno-confessional colorfulness and historical-cultural heritage.  

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