The high-level meeting on preparations of Francophone Economic Forum which is to be held in Armenia

23 March, 2018

On March 22, a high-level preparatory meeting for the Francophone Economic Forum to be held in Armenia on October 10 within the framework of the 17th Summit of La Francophonie took place in Paris. The meeting was attended by Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, Chairman-in-Office of the Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie; Henry Rabary-Njaka, Foreign Minister of Madagascar, which chairs the OIF; Michaëlle Jean, Secretary General of La Francophonie; Pierre Gattaz, President of the Movement of the Enterprises of France (MEDEF).

Presenting Armenia's initiative to hold an Economic Forum, Edward Nalbandian highlighted that the main goal is to create a permanently operating network of francophone businessmen. Armenia’s Foreign Minister outlined the mission of the network, which would be the establishment and development of institutional, professional ties between francophone entrepreneurs, businessmen and their unifying organizations, promotion of favourable conditions for entrepreneurship, encouraging mutual investments aimed at economic development of La Francophonie countries. Edward Nalbandian added that it is planned to create network’s digital platform, as a framework for exchanges of best practices and positive experiences.

Foreign Minister of Armenia identified the following as the topics for discussion at the Forum: implementation of infrastructure projects aimed at ensuring the sustainable development; improvement of management in the areas of energy, including renewable energy, communication and transportation, as well as water resources; increasing the efficiency of agricultural and food production; promotion of cooperation in the field of digital and high technologies; advancement of entrepreneurial activity of women and youth, as well as encouragement of vocational education.

Foreign Minister noted that heads of international and regional economic structures, a limited number of renowned businessmen from the entire francophone world will be invited to the Forum. Minister Nalbandian informed the participants of the meeting that the Economic Forum is planned to be held in Tsaghkadzor, one of the picturesque places in Armenia. Foreign Minister of Armenia informed that the participants of the Forum will be invited to the inauguration ceremony of the Summit of La Francophonie on October 11.

The participants of the meeting welcomed Armenia's initiative on organizing Francophone Economic Forum and the related proposals, expressing readiness to provide assistance in works towards both organizing the forum and establishing the network of francophone businessmen.


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