The newly appointed Ambassador of Italy presented copies of his credentials to Foreign Minister of Armenia

26 March, 2018

On March 26, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received Vincenzo Del Monaco, the newly appointed Ambassador of Italy to Armenia, on the occasion of handing over the copies of his credentials.

Congratulating Ambassador Del Monaco and wishing him success during his diplomatic tenure, Minister Nalbandian expressed hope that the newly appointed ambassador would give a new impetus to the Armenian-Italian centuries-old relations, which were defined by mutual friendship and good traditions.

Expressing gratitude for warm reception and good wishes, Ambassador Del Monaco assured that he will spare no efforts to further deepen bilateral friendly and close cooperation aimed at registering new achievements.

Minister Nalbandian and Ambassador Del Monaco discussed issues related to the organization of high-level visits, intensification of inter-parliamentary contacts, holding of regular consultations between the Foreign Ministries, expansion of legal framework. The sides also touched upon a further development and strengthening of cooperation in the fields of science, education and culture.

Edward Nalbandian and Vincenzo Del Monaco, while acknowledging the positive dynamics of the Armenian-Italian trade and economic relations in recent years, underlined that with joint efforts, it would be possible to fully exploit the existing potential.

The signing of the Armenia-European Union Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement was highlighted, which could also contribute to the development and strengthening of bilateral economic relations.

At the meeting, Minister Nalbandian presented the joint efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries aimed at peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

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