Armenian Foreign Minister received Frank Engel

28 March, 2018

On March 28 Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian received member of the European Parliament (MEP) Frank Engel.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian praised Frank Engel’s regular visits to Armenia and Artsakh and his consistent efforts aimed at development of Armenia-EU relations.

Foreign MInister Nalbandian noted that Armenia highly values the format of parliamentary diplomacy as an important platform for discussing bilateral and multilateral issues and bringing peoples together.

The sides attached importance to the signing of Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between Armenia and the EU, stressing that it renders new and wider opportunities in terms of Armenia-EU cooperation.

During the meeting the sides exchanged views on a number of urgent international and regional issues and ways of their settlement.

Nalbandian briefed Frank Engel on the joint efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries aimed at the exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

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