Meeting of Ambassador Mkrtchyan with Deputy Speaker of the Seimas Gediminas Kirkilas

13 April, 2018

On April 13, Ambassador of Armenia to Lithuania Tigran Mkrtchyan met with Gediminas Kirkilas, the Deputy Speaker of the Seimas and Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs.

The key topic of the meeting was the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement approved by the Lithuanian government, in the context of which Gediminas Kirkilas noted that the ratification of the Armenia-EU new framework agreement by the Lithuanian Seimas will take place in the coming weeks.

Deputy Speaker of the Seimas congratulated Armenia on the full transition to a parliamentary system of government. By the latter's request, the Ambassador presented the details of the transition process.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan, in his turn, congratulated Gediminas Kirkilas on the formation of the Social Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania, wishing him a fruitful activity at the helm of a new political group.

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