Foreign Minister of Armenia received Ambassador of Lithuania to Armenia on the occasion of completion of his diplomatic mission

20 April, 2018

Foreign Minister of Armenia received Ambassador of Lithuania to Armenia on the occasion of completion of his diplomatic mission

On April 20, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received Erikas Petrikas, the Ambassador of Lithuania to Armenia on the occasion of completion of his diplomatic mission.

Minister Nalbandian thanked Ambassador Erikas Petrikas for his fruitful activity aimed at expanding and deepening the Armenian-Lithuanian relations during his diplomatic mission in Armenia. Minister wished Erikas Petrikas success in his future activities.

Ambassador Petrikas noted that during his entire mission he felt the support of the Foreign Ministry for all the initiatives aimed at further strengthening of the Armenian-Lithuanian relations. Ambassador of Lithuania expressed conviction that the ties between the two countries will continue to develop for the benefit of the two friendly peoples.

As a sign of appreciation for the significant contribution to the development of Armenian-Lithuanian relations, Foreign Minister awarded the Ambassador of Lithuania with Medal of Honour of the Foreign Ministry.


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