Events in Canada, dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the First Republic

18 May, 2018

On the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the First Republic festivity events have launched in Canadian cities Montreal and Toronto. The events have been initiated by the Armenian communities and Organizations of Quebec and Toronto.

In his speech, Ambassador Martirosyan touched upon the formation of the First Republic and underlined the exceptional significance of that phenomenon for all Armenians, which the Armenian nation waited and dreamed for several hundred years. The Ambassador stressed: "A hundred years ago we turned the wheel of history and marked our unique place on the world map".

A special guest of these events Dr. Ashot Melkonyan, Director of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia, delivered a lecture where he presented in details the creation and the role of the First Republic in the history of Armenia and the establishment of contemporary Armenian statehood.

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