Meeting of Ambassador Mkrtchyan and Prime Minister of Estonia

22 May, 2018

On May 22, the meeting of Tigran Mkrtchyan, Ambassador of Armenia to Estonia and Jüri Ratas, Prime Minister of Estonia took place at the residencе of Estonia's Prime Minister.

At the beginning of the meeting Ambassador Mkrtchyan conveyed to Jüri Ratas the letter of the newly-elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, by which the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia expresses gratitude to his Estonian counterpart for his warm congratulations on his appointment as Prime Minister, also attaching great importance to the fact that Estonia is the first EU country to ratify the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement.

Jüri Ratas, in his turn, reaffirmed Estonia's readiness to continue working with the Armenian leadership and implement all arrangements. Estonian Prime Minister noted that Estonia is ready to share its experience with Armenia in the issue of modernization of e-governance and other areas of management using digital technologies.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan suggested that the Estonian side's participation in the economic forum to be held simultaneously with the Francophonie Summit to be held in Armenia in October may be one of the best platforms for cooperation in this and other economic spheres. In response, the Estonian Prime Minister noted that Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid has already confirmed her participation in the Francophone Summit and this visit can be an additional impetus for the development of Armenian-Estonian relations.

Armenia's Ambassador also suggested considering the possibility of organizing a high-level Armenia-Estonia digital forum taking into account the fact that IT technologies are one of the priorities of economic development of the two countries. The Prime Minister of Estonia responded to this offer with interest and urged to discuss the idea with the responsible Government representatives, also promising to show his support.

The Armenian Ambassador and the Estonian Prime Minister also discussed the prospects of possible cooperation in the field of agriculture.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan, in his turn, noted that Armenia is looking forward to the visit of Indrek Saar, Minister of Culture of Estonia in early June to participate in the celebration dedicated to the 100th anniversaries of Armenia and Estonia.

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