Foreign Minister of Armenia received the delegation of the Secretariat of International Organization of La Francophonie

24 May, 2018

On May 24, Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan received Jean-Louis Atangana Amougou, Director of the office of the Secretary General of the International Organization of La Francophonie and Hervé Ladsous, Special Advisor to the Secretary General.

Welcoming the guests, Minister Mnatsakanyan underlined that the authorities of our country attach great importance to the organization of the Summit of the International Organization of La Francophonie, and the upcoming presidency in the highest body of the organization is among the main priorities of Armenia's foreign policy.

Expressing gratitude for warm reception, Jean-Louis Atangana Amougou conveyed the congratulations and good wishes of the Secretary General addressed to Zohrab Mnatsakanyan on the occasion of appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The interlocutors discussed in a detailed manner the process of preparations for the organization of the Summit of La Francophonie to be held in Yerevan in 2018. In this context Minister Mnatsakanyan briefed on the results of the consultations with the Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in an enlarged format, stressing that Armenia has mobilized all the forces to ensure the high level conduct of the summit.

The participants of the meeting also discussed a number of substantial and organizational issues related to the summit.


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