Meeting of Artak Apitonian, Ambassador of Armenia to Sweden and Finland, with the Speaker of Finnish Parliament

30 May, 2018

On May 30, Artak Apitonian, Ambassador of Armenia to Sweden and Finland, met with the Speaker of the Finnish Parliament Paula Risikko.

Ambassador congratulated the Speaker of the Parliament on her election to that highest post and presented the internal political developments in Armenia, the formation of a new government and its foreign policy priorities.

The interlocutors commended that the visits of the delegation of Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Armenia to Helsinki in November last year and of the Finland-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group of the Finnish Parliament to Yerevan this April, as well as the recent meeting of the Presidents of two countries in Tbilisi gave a new impetus to the bilateral political and parliamentary cooperation.

Artak Apitonian and Paula Risikko discussed in details current developments in Armenian-Finnish relations and the upcoming programmes. Both sides stressed the importance of maintaining the dynamics of the Armenian-Finnish high-level dialogue, including the exchanges on the parliamentary level.

Ambassador Apitonian expressed appreciation for Finland's support with regards to development of Armenia-EU relations. Both sides underlined the importance of prompt ratification of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement by the Finnish Parliament.

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