Zohrab Mnatsakanyan continues to receive congratulations on his appointment as Foreign Minister

01 June, 2018

In his congratulatory message to the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, thanked Zohrab Mnatsakanyan for his support and cooperation during his tenure as the Permanent Representative to the United Nations, while anticipating the personal commitment of the new Minister to further deepen the partnership between Armenia and the United Nations.

Antonio Guterres also reaffirmed consistent and strong support of the UN to the important efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship aimed at the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

In his congratulatory address, Boris Johnson, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, extends good wishes to Zohrab Mnatsakanyan on the occasion of assuming Foreign Minister‘s office and expresses willingness of the United Kingdom to assist in the process of reforms in Armenia.

The UK Foreign Minister mentions in his message that Armenia has a great potential, expressing willingness to further deepen the Armenian-British bilateral relations.

The Israeli Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Benjamin Netanyahu in his congratulatory address to Zohrab Mnatsakanyan outlines Israel’s commitment to expand cooperation between the two countries in all the areas of bilateral interest and expresses conviction that these relations will further develop during the tenure of the new Foreign Minister of Armenia.

Benjamin Netanyahu also invites the Foreign Minister of Armenia to visit Israel to discuss ways of further expanding and deepening bilateral cooperation.

In his address to Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Ignazio Cassis, Foreign Minister of the Swiss Confederation, notes that he is glad to see that "a friend of Switzerland" has assumed the post of the Foreign Minister of Armenia and wishes him a success in his mission. Ignazio Cassis is confident that the Armenian-Swiss friendly relations will be strengthened and emphasized his readiness to work together.

In his congratulatory letter, Tarō Kōno, Foreign Minister of Japan, notes that Armenia plays an important role in the peace and stability of the South Caucasus and highlights the importance of Armenia's sustainable development for Japan.

Tarō Kōno states in his message that during the quarter of a century history of bilateral relations, the Armenian-Japanese relations have actively developed, expressing readiness to meet with the Foreign Minister of Armenia in the near future and actively cooperate for the further strengthening of relations between the two friendly countries.

Ekaterina Zakharieva, Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, congratulates her Armenian counterpart upon the assumption of the office and notes that relations between the two countries and peoples have a long history, by constantly developing in the spirit of respect, friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation. The Bulgarian Foreign Minister also adds that the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement will soon be ratified by Bulgaria and emphasizes that the Agreement will advance the deepening of relations not only between Armenia and the European Union, but also within the bilateral format.

Karl Erjavec, Foreign Minister of Slovenia, congratulates Zohrab Mnatsakanyan on his appointment as Foreign Minister and expresses his confidence that friendly relations between Armenia and Slovenia will further develop both in bilateral format and within international platforms.

In his congratulatory message Srđan Darmanović, Foreign Minister of Montenegro, expresses confidence that through joint efforts the existing friendly relations between the two countries will further strengthen and develop.

Tilak Marapana, Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka, conveys congratulations and good wishes upon the appointment as the Foreign Minister of Armenia and expresses hope to develop bilateral mutually beneficial ties through joint efforts for the benefit of the two countries and peoples.

Carmelo Abela, Foreign Minister of Malta, notes in his message that Malta is willing to continue deepen warm relations with Armenia and is open to explore new ways of strengthening multifaceted cooperation.

Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Foreign Minister of Cuba, congratulates his Armenian counterpart and expresses readiness to continue joint efforts aimed at strengthening relations between the two countries. 

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