Foreign Minister of Armenia received the parliamentary delegation of Poland

12 June, 2018

On June 12, Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan received the delegation of Poland-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group of the Parliament of Poland led by the head of the group Tadeusz Woźniak.

Welcoming the guests, Foreign Minister thanked the Polish MPs for the friendship and their efforts towards developing and expanding relations between the two countries.

Foreign Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that since the establishment of diplomatic relations the cooperation between Armenia and Poland has been continuously growing based on the centuries old friendship and mutual respect of the two peoples. Minister Mnatsakanyan underscored the importance of the Armenian community in Poland, which has a rich history and unique role, and bridges the relations between the two countries. In this context, he highly appreciated the adoption in 2017 by both chambers of the Polish parliament of resolutions on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of Armenian community of Poland and expressed gratitude for the attentive attitude towards the Polish-Armenian community.

The head of the Poland-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group Woźniak, in his turn, noted that every member of the group makes all the possible efforts to further strengthen the Armenian-Polish relations, at the same time emphasizing their readiness to support all the initiatives of Armenia.

The interlocutors discussed the political dialogue between the two countries and issues related to the development of trade and economic ties, highlighted the strengthening of ties in the educational and cultural, scientific spheres, the further expansion of decentralized cooperation.

The issues of further deepening of inter-parliamentary cooperation were on the agenda of the meeting.

The participants of the meeting highlighted the signing of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, which opens new prospects for further development not only in multilateral but in the Armenian-Polish bilateral formats as well. Foreign Minister of Armenia welcomed the ratification of the Agreement by the Polish Sejm on June 7 and expressed hope that Poland's domestic procedures will soon be completed, thus serving as an example for other EU members who have not yet ratified the Agreement.

The Foreign Minister briefed the Polish parliamentarians on the efforts aimed at the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship reaffirming Armenia's commitment to the exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict. Minister Mnatsakanyan stressed that for the success of the process it is important to create the environment conducive to peace.


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