Zohrab Mnatsakanyan participated in informal meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Eastern Partnership countries in Minsk

22 June, 2018

On June 22, Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan participated in an informal meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, which was attended by European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn.

During the Plenary Session of the Foreign Ministers of the EaP member states, Armenia's Foreign Minister delivered remarks, where he highlighted the importance of engagement in the EaP and underlined that it continues to be an important platform for advancing the spirit of cooperation. "We will continue to insist on advancing such spirit in our relations and to work towards building trust and mutual respect amongst partner countries.” Highlighting the "20 deliverables by 2020" adopted at the Brussels summit, at the core of which is the promotion of regional coherence, co-operation and dialogue between the EU, its Eastern neighbors and partner countries, Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that Armenia reiterates its commitment to advance this agenda.

Minister Mnatsakanyan noted the importance of continuous support of the European Union to the process of reforms that are being implemented in Armenia. The Minister also highly appreciated the sustained engagement of civil society in the framework of Eastern Partnership agenda.

With regards the first session of the Armenia-EU Partnership Council held in Brussels the previous day, Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that the meeting, which followed the activation of the provisional application of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, provided a practical opportunity to take stock of the present phase of partnership and sketch out the priorities for the way ahead.

Touching upon the recent developments in Armenia Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia underlined the unwavering commitment of the new government led by the Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to resolutely deliver on the clear mandate of the people of Armenia and to consolidate the rule of law, democratic principles, fight against corruption, the protection and the promotion of human rights aimed at ensuring justice and equal opportunities for all activities. Referring to the foreign policy priorities of the Government programme, Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that Armenia pursues continuity, predictability and reinforced engagement with all its friends and partners on the basis of sovereign equality and in consolidation of our efforts to promote the interests of Armenia and advance mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership.

Foreign Minister Mnatsakanyan reiterated Armenia’s commitment to the exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the internationally agreed format of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship.“The status and security of Nagorno-Karabakh are the overarching priorities of Armenia. The environment conducive to peace is crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of the negotiation process and should be given a prominence. Escalation along the Line of Contact between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan and along the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, war mongering and the hate rhetoric, denial of genuine people to people contacts should be firmly rejected.

Both EU member states and Eastern partner countries should resolutely withhold all activities contributing to the arms race in the region and tolerating actions, which undermine the peace process or challenge the agreed format of negotiations. The concept and message of Eastern Partnership is pertinent and reinforcing in reiterating Armenia’s commitment to peace.”

Concluding his remarks Foreign Minister emphasized that Armenia is willing and ready to assume greater ownership and engagement with the EU, its member states and partner countries towards transforming our common area into a secure, stable and prosperous neighbourhood.

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