Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Japan

03 September, 2018

On September 3, Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan met with the Foreign Minister of Japan Taro Kono, who arrived in Armenia on an official visit, and his delegation.

Welcoming the guest Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that the visit of the Foreign Minister of Japan can be considered as historical in the Armenian-Japanese relations, which is a good opportunity to summarize the achievements reached throughout the quarter of century of diplomatic relations of the two countries, as well as to discuss ways and prospects of future cooperation.

Foreign Minister of Armenia highly appreciated the significant role of Japan in Armenia’s development agenda via various projects and expressed gratitude of the Armenian side for the support provided since Armenia’s independence by the Government and the people of Japan and projects implemented in various fields within the framework of the Official Development Assistance through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the volume of which reaches hundreds of million dollars.

Minister noted that the people of Armenia recall with gratitude the assistance of the Japanese government and people after the 1988 devastating earthquake.

The sides touched upon numerous issues of the Armenian-Japanese agenda, exchanged views on the steps that are being taken in order to broaden the cooperation within bilateral and multilateral formats.

The interlocutors reiterated mutual commitment to further expand and deepen the traditionally friendly relations based on shared values, mutual trust and respect, and effective cooperation.

With regards the expansion of political dialogue, the interlocutors highly appreciated the cooperation established between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries, as well as regularly held political consultations.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Japan highly appreciated the cooperation established in the framework of the Sendai Declaration aimed at disaster risk reduction and enhancing natural disaster preparedness.

Foreign Ministers highlighted the importance of information and high technologies, innovative and creative education as an important area of ​​cooperation, underscoring the need to initiate joint programmes aimed at sharing the experience in this field.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs commended the parliamentary format of relations and particularly the activities of the friendship groups operating in the legislative bodies of the two countries, noting that close cooperation in this area is coming to supplement and enrich the bilateral agenda.

Briefing the guest on the latest internal developments in Armenia, and the foreign policy priorities of the new government Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that the new government of Armenia is committed to continuing extensive reforms and taking practical steps in order to strengthen democracy, the rule of law, ensure equality and justice in economic and social spheres, and to fight against corruption.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Japan touched upon the urgent international issues, in particular the situation around the Iran nuclear deal, the recent developments in Syria, and the efforts of international community to promote stability and peace in the Korean peninsula.

With regards to the approaches of the Armenian side on the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, Foreign Minister of Armenia underscored that the status and security of Artsakh are the priorities for the Armenian side in the negotiation process. Both Ministers underlined the exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict under the mandate of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship.

At the end of the meeting, Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Japan made statements for the press.

Within the framework of the official visit to Armenia, the Foreign Minister of Japan and his delegation visited Tsitsernakaberd and paid tribute to the memory of  victims of the Armenian Genocide.



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