Meeting between Armenian and Georgian Foreign Ministers Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and David Zalkaliani

10 September, 2018

On September 10, Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Foreign Minister of Armenia met with David Zalkaliani, Foreign Minister of Georgia who is in Yerevan as part of the delegation headed by Mamuka Bakhtadze, the Prime Minister of Georgia who arrived in Armenia on an official visit.

Welcoming his Georgian counterpart, Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that Armenia highly appreciates the relations with Georgia, which are founded on mutual respect and understanding coming from the depth of centuries, and is committed to taking practical steps for raising them to a qualitatively new level.

The counterparts discussed a wide range of issues of the bilateral agenda, including the course of implementation of agreements on expanding the cooperation reached between the heads of two states. In this regard, the importance of holding regular sectorial consultations between the Foreign Ministries and frequent meetings between the Ministers was highlighted.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Georgia also touched upon the perspectives of strengthening the collaboration in multilateral format.

Both sides commended the high level of trade and economic relations, at the same time expressing conviction that for the dynamic development of these ties it is essential to make joint efforts towards fully applying the existing big potential.

With regards further deepening of bilateral relations the interlocutors specifically highlighted the intensification of activities of the Intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation, as well as the Armenian-Georgian working group on trade and economic issues.

Touching upon the internal political developments, Minister Mnatsakanyan noted that the new government is committed to continuing reforms based on the mandate given by the people and aimed at strengthening justice, the rule of law, ensuring equal opportunities in social and economic spheres, and the fight against corruption. Minister added that all of this could contribute to a further expansion of relations between the two neighbouring states.

Foreign Minister of Armenia briefed his counterpart on the approaches and priorities of the Armenian side with regards the process of peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In this context, the sides agreed that conflicts should be settled exclusively through peaceful means and within the framework of international mandated formats.


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