The newly appointed Ambassador of Sweden handed the copies of his credentials to Deputy Foreign Minister

17 September, 2018

On September 17, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Garen Nazarian received the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Republic of Armenia Ulrik Tideström (residence in Tbilisi) on the occasion of handing over the copies of his credentials.

Garen Nazarian congratulated the Ambassador on his appointment wishing him a fruitful tenure aimed at expanding cooperation between the two countries both in bilateral and multilateral dimensions.

The Deputy Minister highlighted the importance of Sweden's participation, as a co-founder of the Eastern Partnership, in the strengthening of Armenia-EU relations and thanked for supporting the processes in Armenia aimed at sustainable development in various areas.

Upon the request of the Ambassador, Garen Nazarian touched upon the settlement process of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as well as regional developments.

Expressing gratitude for the warm welcome, Ambassador Tideström highly appreciated the collaboration established between Armenia and Sweden and assured that he would make consistent efforts to deepen the mutual relations between the two countries.

At the meeting the interlocutors touched upon the reinvigorated process of reforms in Armenia and discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral agenda.





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