Meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Romania

26 September, 2018

On September 26, in New York, at the United Nations Headquarters, Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan met with Teodor Viorel Meleșcanu, the Foreign Minister of Romania.

Both Ministers highly appreciated the centuries-old Armenian-Romanian relations and expressed their readiness to take practical steps towards further deepening the cooperation in different directions, highlighting as an important component the political consultations and mutual visits between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Both sides underscored the role of the Romanian-Armenian community as a strong bridge uniting two states.

The counterparts touched upon the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement in terms of developing Armenia's partnership both with the European Union and the EU member states.

An agreement was reached on taking steps towards realizing more effectively the existing potential in trade and economic sphere, particularly through re-activating the joint Armenian-Romanian intergovernmental commission on trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Romania touched in details upon the preparations for the 17th Summit of La Francophonie to be held in Yerevan, its agenda as well as the documents to be submitted to participants for approval.

Minister Mnatsakanyan briefed his Romanian counterpart on the priorities of the Armenian side regarding the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The sides agreed on a peaceful, negotiated settlement of the conflict.

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