Concert dedicated to the Independence Day of Armenia in Stockholm

26 September, 2018

On September 26, 2018, a concert and a reception have been held at the Grunewald Hall of Stockholm’s Konserthuset (Concert Hall) dedicated to the Independence Day of Armenia.

Opening the event, Ambassador Artak Apitonian presented the past 27 years of independence, current challenges and reforms aimed at strengthening democracy, and achievements of the popular movement. In his remarks, Ambassador Apitonian spoke extensively about the Armenian-Swedish relations, particularly about the bilateral political dialogue, economic ties and cultural and educational exchanges. Artak Apitonian thanked all the organizations and individuals who have had their input and supported Embassy in its efforts. The Ambassador mentioned this year’s jubilee events – 100th anniversary of Independence of Armenia and the 2800th anniversary of establishment of Yerevan, as well the Summit of La Francophonie and related events to be held in Yerevan in October.

Cadence ensemble performed Armenian and international classics and contemporary compositions.

The concert and the reception were attended by around four hundred participants – ambassadors, former and current members of Parliament, public and cultural figures, diplomats, representatives of media and the Armenian community of Sweden.

At the reception entrance, the Embassy also displayed a photo exhibition dedicated to Yerevan’s 2800 anniversary.


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