Meeting of Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia Armen Papikyan and Singapore's Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry

24 October, 2018

On October 24, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Armen Papikyan received the delegation headed by the Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry of Singapore Koh Poh Koon, which arrived in Armenia to participate in the Eurasian Week.

The interlocutors noted the centuries old historic and cultural ties between Armenia and Singapore and the Armenian presence in Singapore. Armen Papikyan expressed gratitude to the Government of Singapore for the attention and support to the Armenian Church as an ancient cultural monument.

Deputy Minister Papikyan underlined the importance of Singapore's rich experience in the sphere of economic development for Armenia, reaffirming the Armenian government's readiness to take practical steps for deepening and further expanding the cooperation with Singapore in various fields. Touching upon the internal political developments in the country, Armen Papikyan underlined that the Armenian government has proven with its actions its commitment to fighting corruption and strengthening the justice system, which are the main guarantees for ensuring equality in the social-economic sphere. As the main directions of cooperation, the interlocutors highlighted the spheres of high technologies, services and tourism.

Singapore's Minister for Trade and Industry informed of his meetings during the Eurasian Week and the process of negotiations on EAEU-Singapore free trade agreement. Deputy Foreign Minister expressed hope that the EAEU-Singapore free trade agreement will boost the Armenia-Singapore economic relations too.

The sides also highlighted the importance of enhancing the legal framework. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the effective cooperation within the framework of international organizations.

Armen Papikyan informed Koh Poh Koon of Armenia’s commitment to reaching the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict exclusively through negotiated means, as well as of the efforts undertaken by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmanship towards that end. The interlocutors exchanged views on a number of international and regional issues and ways of their peaceful resolution.


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